Parents can help the school in several ways. Teach your children that behaving on the minibus is as important as it is on any public transport. It is definitely not a place to misbehave and make sure that your child has a thorough understanding of road safety
When being dropped off or picked up: If you are on time to pick up or drop off your child, the job of the school and minibus driver is that much easier. But, agree with your son or daughter what to do if the school minibus is late picking them up or dropping them off
Ideally, stay with your child when waiting to be picked up. Stand as close as possible to the pick-up point to avoid unnecessary road crossing. Going on or returning from a journey is a time of excitement for children, teach them safety via good behaviour. Ideally, teach your child the Green Cross code, to use zebra crossings, pelican crossings etc. When a minibus returns from a day out, be there to meet them.
When on the school minibus: Teach your children to behave properly on the minibus, not to distract the driver and emphasize that they should listen to any instructions. On board, don’t throw anything around, shout or stand up. Stay sat down in their seat with the seat belt on until the minibus stops. Make sure that your child has all contact details for you or a guardian if they arrive before the expected time. Discuss vandalism with your child and teach them to not ever damage the minibus