Choosing the right type of leasing deal for your needs and requirements is very important. There are a number of deal types which you need to consider, including: · Stock vehicles – these are cars/vans which are held in the UK, or in Europe, and which can be delivered in anywhere up to 3 weeks […]
Help & Advice; Ordering a New Lease Car
Some customers will organise their new vehicle almost six months before they need the new vehicle to arrive, whereas some customers will change on a 2/3 week notice. This does lead on to a great question about leasing – how long does it take to organise a new lease vehicle? The answer to the question […]
Stock, Allocation or Factory Order Lease Cars; The FAQs
When it comes to ordering a new lease car from a credit broker like CarLease UK – understanding the type of deal you are looking at can be confusing at times. Be it Stock Based, an Allocation Deal or a Factory Order lease car can all affect the speed of delivery, colours and criteria of […]