T-Charge: New London traffic charge comes into force! As a driver of a 2004 Toyota Prius, one of the cleanest cars, you could be forgiven for feeling a bit hard done to if you live in London. OK, so in reality, central London tends to say that you will own a nice, new car but […]
Car News; Road & Usage Statistics Update
The UK Government has updated its Road and Vehicle Usage Statistics… Here are some of the highlights; Road use has grown dramatically since the 1950’s… Men drive further than women & car use per person has fallen in younger men (due to a drop in the number of 17-20 year old males gaining a licence…) […]
Leasing News; Diesel Scrappage Scheme the Facts
Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London is announcing plans to speed up tougher rules on vehicle pollution in London along with the government announcing policies for diesel vehicles going forward. The Mayor of London said: “It’s staggering that we live in a city where the air is so toxic that many of our children are […]